Saturday, October 30, 2010

lol. omg. gtfo. it worth it?

I curse AT&T at least once a day for a dropped call. I have gotten irate after I was overcharged on three seperate occasions with no explanation on the other end of the phone. If you ask me what I think of AT&T, I'll tell you they are pretty good. I'll tell you they are pretty because of the fantastic work they are doing on a public safety issue: texting and driving.

AT&T hired BBDO do produce an anti-texting and driving campaign.

This campaign was highlighted in Ad Age.

Texting and driving hasn't gotten me hurt (thank goodness) but did get me hit from behind. Texting and driving has caused me to swerve off the road just a little and be discourtious to other drivers. I don't mean to do these things. Texting has become an addiction for most people, and when fighting an addiction you are fighting a habit, an unconcious behavior.

BBDO and AT&T have collaborated to come up with a campaign that gets your attention. Now, they have to keep pushing to change behavior.

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