Thursday, July 14, 2011

A little push

And...I'm back! After a month of summer school and an ulcer, I'm back to actual life. Yay!

In my effort to get back on track, I've picked out three books to read via GoodReads.


I'm most excited about Nudge for a few reasons. In my Health Campaigns class this summer we spent a lot of time working on getting people to make healthier choices. Fact is, most people dont-even when presented with education and information out the wazoo.

I'll remind you that baby carrots started flying out of vending machines in high schools not because of some PSA touting their benefits but because the choice buying baby carrots was made fun, interesting, and easy.

Nudge talks about "choice architects". These "choice architects" are a hybrid of public health know-how, consumer insights, clear communication, design, and results oriented thinking. Any of you that know me even a little know that I love all of these things. I've been searching for a term for what I am interested in and like to do. And this is almost it (I would like it to be a real job that I could get paid for).

These choice architects may just be the key to seeing some public health wins in advertising and marketing spaces. Look for a post on Nudge and it's implications in the coming weeks.

Summer reading time just needed a little freedom and a little push.